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Forum moderator: Heamo_Goblin, Razelle, Thagoras  
Camping Skill
RazelleDate: Sunday, 2021-01-24, 10:50 PM | Message # 1
Group: Staff Team
Messages: 22
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Camping Skill
The Camping skill is used to logout safely when out in the wilderness.  In order to create a camp, you require some kindling.  Use the kindling to attempt to ignite it.  Once done, in about 30 seconds or so, you - and anyone near near you - will receive a message that the camp has been made secure.  The camp lasts for about 1 hour.  You have fast travel with the shard travel trable.  You can use the [myhouses command to travel to your house.  There are NPCs Provisioner, Animal Trainer for stabling, a banker and a healer that will spawn within your camp at max skill level. For


  • 0 - 30:  Train to 30 from an NPC Gypsy.
  • 30 - 120:  Load up with and double-click kindling.

The Perks

To place your camp be sure there is  enough space for your camp to be created.  If you are not at max skill level, 120, the fail chance is increased by 3 and will consume your kindling upon fail. For every 30 points into the skill you will receive a new perk to your camp!

  • 30 - 59  Basic: Healer and a Provisioner
  • 60 - 89 Advanced:  The above plus an Animal Trainer and a storage chest. (keep in mind the camp only lasts about an hour.
  • 90 -  120 Moderns: The above perks with an added banker and Travel Table.

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