
Hallowed Realms received many generous contributions along the way, and for that we are grateful of being able to show these to the Ultima player base again!

We wouldn’t have been able to accomplish the Hallowed Realms project without the support of the following people and shards!

Thagoras: Code Development, Map, Deco, Game Client, Sprites,  Art.

Lokai: Code Development, Client Development.

Milva: Maping, Deco.

Raz: Maping, Deco.

Sky: Code Development, Discord Development.

Voxpire: Code Development, Vita Nex Core.

Djeryv: Runis & Riches: Map portions, Assets, Sprites, Art.

DRC1K: Assets, Sprites, Animations Art, Textures, Tiles, Assets.

Dark Shard: Map Portions, Assets.

Adventurers Of Akalabeth: Map Portions, Assets.

Their are many others that should be on this list that we could not get into contact with. But all credit for their work is theirs we do not claim credit for their work and never would. We appreciate their generosity by releasing their old/retired shards on ServUO as Hallowed Realms would not be what it is with out those developers before us! In every instance the assets that were used we modified to suit Hallowed Realms many we Re-Built entirely!