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Forum moderator: Heamo_Goblin, Razelle, Thagoras  
Gold Panning
RazelleDate: Sunday, 2020-11-15, 6:30 AM | Message # 1
Group: Staff Team
Messages: 22
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Gold panning is a custom system and is great for new players to earn gold.

Gold pans drop as loot from sea serpents, krackens.  Fishing and Begging are required skills to use the gold pan.

High Fishing skill and Luck are recommended for best results.

To use a gold pan, go to any shallow water (For some reason even puddles work!) double-click the gold pan in your pack, and then target the water. There will be a short delay and then the gold pan in your pack will become “filled”, then double click the filled gold pan to retrieve the contents.

Gold panning locations are static.  So if you find a large one, Mark it!

You will get small, medium or large nuggets, as well as a chance at soggy boots, large gems (e.g Perfect Emerald) Messages in a Bottle, and even Crystalline Blackrock.

The nuggets can be sold for GOLD at the Nugget Trader on the docks in Buc's Den Trammel

No AFK gold panning!

Message edited by Razelle - Sunday, 2020-11-15, 6:52 AM
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