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Forum moderator: Heamo_Goblin, Razelle, Thagoras  
Champion Spawns
RazelleDate: Sunday, 2020-11-29, 11:08 PM | Message # 1
Group: Staff Team
Messages: 22
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
The concept of a champion spawn is quite simple: Kill lots of monsters to summon the champion. As monsters are killed the spawn will level up to more powerful ones. Eventually the champion will appear to try and defeat the intruders.

For Felucca spawns, players will be rewarded with powerscolls in addition to the masteries. We offer the standard OSI champion spawns, plus 3 additional custom spawns, including a Master of Arts which will drop crafting powerscrolls.

To start a champion event, players must have 100 Champion Orbs.  You earn those by simply being active in game, or by doing a champion event.  To see how many Orbs you have, visit a bank as they are automatically placed into your bank box as you play on the shard!

To complete a spawn you must first choose which one you want to go to. There are currently champion spawns on all Facets, except Trammel, and of different types. The reward you want will also help determine where you go. Once you have determined which spawn you wish to attempt, gathered some allies, and arrived, it is time to get started. If the spawn is currently not active (no red candles on altar) you can manually activate it by using Champion Orbs.

Upon activation, 2 or 3 different types of monsters will begin spawning within the area around the altar. This spawn may seem easy now but it will quickly gain in strength as each level is attained. As you kill the spawn white candles will appear in the altar's center. Each white candle represents 20% advancement to the next red candle. One white candle is 20%, 2 white candles is 40%, etc. Upon reaching 100% a red candle will appear on the edge of the altar. If you do not kill enough spawn within 10 minutes of the first monster being killed at that level, all white candle advancement will be reset to 0. If you do not advance at least 20% at a single level, then 1 red candle will disappear and the spawn will begin moving backwards.

Once you have gained enough red candles, the spawn will increase the strength of the spawn. This means 2 or 3 higher level monsters will begin spawning which were tougher than the previous. Since the monsters are tougher, it also requires fewer kills to advance the spawn. The number of red candles for spawn strength enhancement also varies slightly.

At 16 red candles, the spawn can cycle a few times before the champion is summoned. Each time the spawn advances 100% and the champion does not come forth, it will take less spawn to advance another 100%. If you target the Idol at 16 red candles the champion will be summoned immediately. Upon their defeat, the spawn altar will deactivate and no more spawn will come forth. A gold explosion will take place depositing around 250,000 gold on the ground. If you are at a Felucca champion spawn, 6 power scrolls will be awarded to the top damaging players and the Idol on the altar will turn into a black moongate which will take you to the Star Room.

There are 3 main rewards besides the gold drop; powerscrolls, masteries and scrolls of transcendence. Additional rewards will vary on which champion spawn and location you choose.

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